Friday, October 29, 2010

The Artist in Me: Egyptian Funeral Mask

Ever since I was a kid I am fascinated by Egyptian artifacts. During my biz trip in Milan, Italy mid-part of this year, I was fortunate enough to have a "close" encounter with Egyptian artifacts as I went on a museum inside Castello Sforzesco, including a sarchopagi, a "real" mummy, an actual papyrus and this funeral mask that has a caption that it was from III-IV Century AD. 

Luckily, I took the courage to take a pic of this artifact. I didn't risk taking shots of the mummy and the sarchopagi since from some of the notes that I have read that some of them has sort of "curse". Anyways, I posted this since it's timely for Halloween! 

Happy Halloween everyone! 

Funerary mask, golden plaster and glass, 3rd - 4th century AD, unknown provenance.


  1. Nice! I have some Egyptian artifacts too! Some mummified smelly pants that I haven't washed for a year.



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